Snelle en betrouwbare diagnose van plantenziekten
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Production companies

Producers of potatoes, vegetables, fruit, flowers or plants are daily faced with crop infection by plant pathogens. In many cases the cause is clear, and action can be taken.

If the cause is not clear, you could as consult an expert or rely on a specialized laboratory. There is a perfect alternative: Field test which use the laminar flow principle. These field-tests are particularly useful when the disease is difficult to recognise or possibly contagious. Field-tests can be applied directly on the plant without additional equipment or specific knowledge. Additionally the tests give a reliable result within two minutes

Advantages for gowers and farmers to use field-tests:

  • Fast and on the spot identification: Plant disease symptoms can be confused with nutritional deficiencies, can be variety specific or occur in combination with other diseases. With our tests can identify the disease on the spot reduce further damage.
  • Risc reduction: Today's large production facilities face considerable risks. Regular testing on for example Pepino Mozaïek virus will identify suspected plants before they show symptoms and action can be taken.
  • Independent and internal control: the test provide an objective diagnosis, because of this possible disputes can be solved and diagnoses can be done in house.

Field-tests only work on plant samples infected with the disease; this especially important with fungi and bacterial (root) diseases. The tests are no replacement of existing laboratory tests. Use these test for regular and primary testing in the field.


CHECKIT Agri & Food Test
Aartshertogenlaan 389
5212 CK 's-Hertogenbosch

M +31 (0)6 200 199 74